Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Uses and gratifications model research

  1. Web definitions:
  2. Uses and gratifications theory (UGT) is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs. UGT is an audience-centered approach to understanding mass communication.                                             (
  3. The 'Uses and Gratifications' model represented a change in thinking, as researchers began to describe the effects of the media from the point of view of audiences. The model looks at the motives of the people who use the media, asking why we watch the television programmes that we do, why we bother to read newspapers, why we find ourselves so compelled to keep up to date with our favourite soap. The underlying idea behind the model is that people are motivated by a desire to fulfil, or gratify certain needs. So rather that asking how the media uses us, the model asks how we use the media.                                                                                                                   (
The uses and gratifications model is a way of trying to understand why people choose what specific media they would like to use. It is based on the audiences point of view rather than the medias. The uses and gratifications model is shown in many everyday situations, for example when somebody chooses what music to listen to. They choose the music depending on many factors such as mood or the social situation. If the person is with their friends they may choose music that they think their friends will approve of whereas if they are on their own they will choose music that fits their mood. The uses and gratifications model uses this idea for many different forms of media such as television and the internet. The model suggest that people choose what media they would like to use based on four things:
  • information
  • integration and social interaction
  • personal identity
  • entertainment
The model suggests that people will be more likely to choose a media form to use if it can give them information. If the information is relevant to the person they will choose the media form to use. Different information seeking causes different media choice,for example if a person is curious about something they may look it up on the internet, or if they are seeking information about current events that they are involved in or interested in they may watch the news or read a newspaper.

integration and social interaction
People may use media to help themselves identify with others which gives them a sense of belonging. They may also use it for gaining contact with friends or family in which case they may use phones or social networks.Another use for media would be finding a topic of conversation which would involve seeking information outlined in the first point.

personal identity
Personal identity is a common reason for the use of media. It may be used by someone who is trying to reinforce their beliefs and personal values or for finding models of behavior. It may also be used for gaining insight into someone elses beliefs or values so they are then able to identify with them.

They medias most common use is entertainment. The media is used for entertainment in many different ways.  When a person wants to relax they may watch a TV programme.The media can also be used for escaping everyday problems or getting cultural enjoyment. Many people may use media as a way to fill time in a more fun way for the person than doing nothing.

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