- IRM (indie rock magazine)- this name is simple and would be easily remembered.
- playlist- this name relates to music closely and shows that the magazine will mainly focus on the songs and artists.
- real -This name is again simple and suggests that indie rock is the best genre of music
- origin- This name relates to the fact that indie rock originates from other genres of music.
The name I have chosen for the magazine is Real. I have chosen this name as it shows that indie rock is the best genre.
colour schemesblack and red- This colour scheme would represent the dark appearance of indie rock and and the red would represent the passion for the genre.
black and orange- This colour scheme would represent the dark appearance of indie rock and the often upbeat tempo to the genre.
font types
- britannic bold
- franklin gothic heavy
- impact
- arctic monkeys
- kings of leon
- kasabian
mood board
spider diagram
hand drawn drafts
contents pages
double page spreads
(this cover will only have 3 images at the bottom)
contents pages
double page spreads
existing behind the scenes photo shoot of artists or bands
kings of leon covershoot
kasabian covershoot
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