Monday, 26 January 2015

Final double page spread article

I know my music is controversial, but I wouldn't change anything. Why should I want to? I am being myself and I'm not going to change for anybody.Some people are not fans of my music but I'm not going to hold that against them they have their own opinions and as long as they leave me to do my own thing why should it bother me. My fans are all so important to me I feel like I should focus my energy on producing the best music I can for them. 
You have had a pretty tough year with the people who don't like your music, how have you dealt with it?
There are people who take their opinions to the extremes.I just say what I feel and some people think it's okay to threaten me and make negative comments on my work. I'm not going to respond positively to them but I'm not going to cause problems for myself. If people do not like my music and then decide it is then okay to threaten me online and bully me I will stand up for myself.
You do have many fans that can relate to your music,
My fans mean everything to me. It's because of them my music has been heard and I owe all of my success to them and my family.If they feel they can relate to my music then I'm doing my job. I can't thank them enough and I feel like it is my duty to continue making music for them and not bow down to the haters. I think my new album shows that.
In 2014 the music business was very competitive, how did you make yourself heard?
I like to think my music is unique in it's own way. There are people growing up I admired and wished to be like and now people know who I am I can share my own sound, which I hope lives up to the standard of the people I admired, whilst still keeping it something that is recognisable as me. I also think it's down to determination. When I decide I want to do something nothing and nobody can stop me doing it. 
There were people who tried to stop you gaining success,
Yes,I thought they were my friends but you realise who your real friends are when things get tough. When I was at music school I made friends with similar goals to mine. We used to go to auditions together and when I went to an audition with them and actually was successful some of the people I thought I could trust tried to stop me achieving anything. They are out of my life now and I don't know where they are or what they are doing and I'll be happy for it to stay that way. I'm going to make 2015 a good year and I can't wait for my album so be released!
Well good luck in 2015 Catriona I'm sure we'll hear more from you next year!

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