Thursday, 20 November 2014

Planning the photoshoots

Cover shoot ideas

Camera and lighting

The photos should be medium close ups to close ups. This allows the audience to see the person without the photo being too close or too far away.
The person should be looking directly at the camera which gives the audience the impression that they are looking directly at them. This will make the audience more interested in the magazine. The expression on the persons face will be quite straight and serious as it is stereotypical of the genre to have a straight face. This is shown on most images relating to the genre as it is rare to see a person from this genre smiling in a photograph.

The lighting for the photos will be quite light as the photos may be changed to black and white. The bright light will show the photo more if it is changed to black and white. If the photos are not changed to black and white the bright lighting will make the dark colours stand out more which will emphasise the genres style.


clothing and makeup
The clothing for the person on the front cover will be dark for example: black and grey clothes, as this reflects the genre of the magazine. The makeup for the person on the front cover will also be dark with eyeliner an possibly dark eye shadow. However the person will have nude lips as if the lips had colour it would look overdone. The makeup also reflects the genre.

The shoot
The photos for the main image  will be taken outside as the natural lighting will make the image look clearer. I have also chosen this location as it will provide  a plain background which can be edited. The clearer image will allow the genre to be reflected easier as her expression and styling will be clearer.


The shoot will include no props as it takes attention away from the artist featuring in the shoot. It also makes it harder to get a full view of the person on the cover and I think props are more suitable for other cover images and the contents page. The cover shoot will only feature the person taking part as this draws full attention to the person featured which will help the genre be easier to recognise by the audience.


Front cover images
Catriona (the featured person on the front cover) will be wearing the described clothing and makeup. She will be stood in natural lighting and the camera shot will be medium close ups and close-ups. Catriona will be looking at the camera in every photograph. The other photos on the front cover will also be original images of pretend artists. These artists will be also looking at the camera in every image.

Contents page images
The main image on the contents page will also be of Catriona. She will be wearing the clothing and makeup described and will be looking at the camera again. Other images on the contents page will include other images of the pretend artists featured on the front cover and pictures or real artists taken from Google images.

Double page spread images
For the double page spread there will also be a photograph of Catriona. This photo will be a long shot of her and she will again be wearing the clothing and makeup described and be looking at the camera. If there is more than one photo on the double page spread the other photos will also be of Catriona however she will not necessarily need to be looking at the camera.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Digital mock ups

Google images has been used to give and example of what the front cover, the contents page, and the double page spread will look like. The images found will not be exact, for example the main image will not be kneeling down. For the contents pages and double page spreads the image has been repeated. This will show that the images will all be of the same person but in the real thing the images will be different.


contents pages

(The repeated images will be different on the real thing)

Double page spreads

(The repeated images will be different on the real thing and the person featured will be stood up)

location ideas


Monday, 3 November 2014

Initial ideas based on market research

Name ideas

  • IRM (indie rock magazine)- this name is simple and would be easily remembered. 
  • playlist- this name relates to music closely and shows that the magazine will mainly focus on the songs and artists.
  • real -This name is again simple and suggests that indie rock is the best genre of music
  • origin- This name relates to the fact that indie rock originates from other genres of music.
The name I have chosen for the magazine is Real. I have chosen this name as it shows that indie rock is the best genre.

colour schemes
black and red- This colour scheme would represent the dark appearance of indie rock and and the red would represent the passion for the genre.
black and orange- This colour scheme would represent the dark appearance of indie rock and the often upbeat tempo to the genre.

font types
  • britannic bold
  • franklin gothic heavy
  • impact
artists to include

  • arctic monkeys
  • kings of leon
  • kasabian
I have chosen these artists as these where the most well known artists from the video interviews.

mood board

spider diagram

hand drawn drafts


contents pages

double page spreads

Digital Drafts


(this cover will only have 3 images at the bottom)

contents pages

double page spreads

existing behind the scenes photo shoot of artists or bands

kings of leon covershoot

kasabian covershoot