Friday, 19 September 2014

Photoshop practice

Photoshop practice image   

This is the first time i have used Photoshop and so i created a practice image to gain some basic skills before i use it to edit images i will use on my magazine. This is what i did to create this image.

setting up a file
To set up the file in Photoshop I first opened up the program and selected - file-new. I then changed the settings of the new file to preset international paper with a 300 pixels/inch resolution and RGB colour. The file then was opened and I could start editing my images.

The Photoshop file is in the format PSD which allows the editor to come back and continue editing the image as it isn't compressed when it is saved like it would if the file was saved as a BMP or a JPEG. The layers are a way in which the images opened in Photoshop are organised. Each image opened has a separate layer which can then be worked on individually and then combine the finished images when needed. Using layers I opened the images of the sand dunes, the astronaut, the Eiffel tower, and the bear and edited them separately so that I could then change them without it affecting the other images. When I was finished I dragged the other images onto the sand dunes and the whole image was finished.

scaling an image(hold down shift key)
Scaling an image allows the image to be manipulated without the quality of the image being affected. This means you can change the size of the image and I would not become pixelated and bad quality. To do this I first named the layer the image I wanted to edit was on which unlocked the layer and allowed it to be selected. I then selected edit-transform and while holding the shift key changed the size of the image.

saving your file
When I finished editing the images I needed to save the file in two formats. One in PSD and the other in JPEG. I saved the file in PSD so I could edit it again later but I also saved it in JPEG so that I could post it on this blog for my media coursework. To save the file I selected file-save as and then chose the format I wanted to save the file in and named it. I then clicked save and the file was saved.

selecting your image
To select an image that I had opened in Photoshop I first had to name the layer that the image was opened on by double clicking on the layer and changing the name. When the layer was unlocked I then clicked on the select tool at the top of the tool bar which allowed me to select and move the image.

polygon lasso
The polygon lasso tool allows you to cut around an image easily by drawing lines around the image you want to cut and then deleting the selected part of the image. I used the polygon lasso tool on my images by right clicking on the lasso tool and selecting the polygon lasso. I then drew around the image and double clicked which allowed me to delete if i wished to do so.I then clicked on select-inverse so that the area around the selected area would be deleted instead of the selected area.

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